
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sarasota-Tampa Express

This website hits pretty much all of the high points of a bad website in my opinion.
First there is the music that starts as soon as the page loads, and doesn't have an off button. Its different on every page and I can't think of a single reason that it would be necessary.
Second, as soon as you move your mouse  the words start following you. In order to ensure that you can read the text you must remember place the mouse at the header when you've finished clicking. Randomly, you loose the mouse trail on some pages while it continues on others.
The rainbow flashing "New" indicators are especially distracting as you try and figure out what service this site is offering.
There are two types of navigation, the buttons that run down the left side, and another set of buttons the run across the bottom. They have the same links except for the addition of "Photos" at the bottom.
The look of the buttons and page layout are consistent for some of the site. However, when you look at "Tampa Airport" and "Contact Us" pages its entirely different.
Also on the "Tampa Airport" page, it seems they have taken the graphic of the airport straight off the airport's page.  Sure they credit it, but clicking on it automatically takes you to the airport page in the same window. 
The "Maps" link also doesn't take you to a page with maps. I can't tell if that is  on purpose or if their maps just don't load. 
In their defense however, it is easy to navigate and prices, schedules and contact info is easy to find.

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